US General Outlines Priority Targets For ATACMS Missiles, F-16 Planes

  • 2.05.2024, 10:57

There are no restrictions on strikes.

Russian headquarters, artillery and logistics on the front line and in Crimea will be priority targets for ATACMS missiles. Ukrainian General Staff will find better targets for F-16s. General Ben Hodges, former commander of the US Army in Europe, gave details in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

He noted that the country can use ATACMS at its discretion. According to him, there are no restrictions on strikes.

Hodges noted that the Ukrainian General Staff will make the best choice on where the missiles will be used, as they will not be countless. In his opinion, it is necessary to prioritise the relevant targets for destroying them, and these could be Russian headquarters, logistics and artillery.

‘I think these will be the priority targets,’ he said.

The general said a long-range precision strike is what would make Crimea unfit for Russian forces, their air force and navy would be no longer able to operate because almost the entire territory of Crimea is within range of those weapons.

Hodges is not convinced that using ATACMS against the Crimean bridge is the best use of such weapons. He called for using these ATACMS to best effect to destroy logistics, headquarters, artillery and air bases.

‘There would have to be so many of them, and I think the Ukrainian General Staff and General Budanov have other plans for the Kerch Bridge,’ he said.

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