Lukashenka Justifying Himself Before Military For Getting Sick At Moscow Parade

  • 10.05.2024, 15:51

The dictator spoke about "wandering round the cranky corners with Shoigu".

Dictator Lukashenka seems to have been seriously hurt by the attention of bloggers and the media to the fact that, as last year, he did not march to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin together with Putin and Asian and African presidents, but was part of a much less prestigious campaign.

That's why in the evening on Victory Square he staged a show with his military men, explaining to them how it happened.

First of all, Lukashenka gave State Secretary Alexander Wolfovich a greeting from Sergei Shoigu, which became a bridge to presenting his own version of that unpleasant situation for him.

"We were wandering round the cranky corners there, and they started to criticise us, that we were dragging somewhere, falling behind. The Commander of the Ground Forces, he tells me everything about the SMO. Well, I'm a bit with knowledge of the matter. And besides at night we listened to a report by Gerasimov, Shoigu and Bortnikov on the situation at the front. I'm absolutely with knowledge of the matter. And they tell me everything. And then the SMOs gathered here, fifty of them, taking pictures... Well, Shoigu and I lagged behind. So they criticised us for that. And we were behind... Well, it's okay, there was no strict protocol," said Lukashenka.

We remind you that a year ago, Lukashenka could not walk with Putin and other guests of the Kremlin in Alexander Garden, where the tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located. The Belarusian dictator asked Putin for a car to take him there. Then Lukashenka disappeared from the information field.

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