US Senate Approves Russian Uranium Import Banv

  • 1.05.2024, 9:33

The document is waiting for Biden’s approval.

The United States Senate voted unanimously to pass a bill to ban the import of enriched uranium from Russia. After that, the relevant document was sent to the White House for approval of President Joe Biden.

Bloomberg reports.

Restrictive actions on imports of Russian uranium are aimed at supporting efforts in the United States to block the Kremlin's supply of fuel for reactors.

The legislation banning imports of Russian uranium introduces a 90-day import ban in the US after it enters into force. The initiative provides a permit for temporary exemptions from restrictions until January 2028.

Biden must sign this document to make the measure a law.

Russian Uranium in the United States

According to the US Department of Energy, Russia supplied almost a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel the US fleet of more than 90 commercial reactors. Thus, this makes Moscow the No.1 foreign supplier in the United States.

It is noted that the sales bring the Russian Federation about $1 billion a year. At the same time, it is expected that replacing these supplies can become a problem and risks raising the cost of enriched uranium by about 20%.

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