White House Fast-Tracks Embargo On Uranium Imports From Russian Federation

  • 30.04.2024, 11:38

So far, the bill has bogged down in the US Senate.

The administration of US President Joe Biden has started working on an embargo on supplies of enriched uranium from Russia. This happened after the relevant bill ‘bogged down’ in the Senate, sources familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.

According to them, officials from the White House National Security Council, the Department of Energy and other agencies are currently negotiating a ban on imports. However, the final decision has not been made yet.

At the same time, officials from the White House and representatives of the nuclear industry still want the ban to be introduced through a bill that must be approved by the Senate. In this case, it will be more difficult to repeal it, the sources explained.

The bill to ban imports of Russian uranium was approved by the House of Representatives back in December 2023. Then it went to the Senate, but it was not possible to pass it there in an accelerated mode due to procedural rules. After that, the Senate went on winter break and the initiative bogged down.

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