Explosions In Kyiv: Russia Strikes City With Missiles

  • 30.08.2023, 8:02

There are dead and wounded.

Russia launched a massive rocket attack on Ukraine on the night of 30 August 2023. At around 5am, explosions erupted in Kyiv as well as in the near-eastern region.

The air defences in the capital worked; the debris of the missiles fell on the shopping centre in two districts: there are dead and wounded. The Kyiv City Military Administration reported about it.

"Air defence systems in the capital are working!" The message reads.

The capital authorities urged Kyiv residents not to leave their shelters.

"Explosions in the city. Stay in shelters!" Kyiv mayor Vytali Klitschko urged.

Residents of the Kyiv region were also warned about the missile attack.

"Residents of the Kyiv region! Missile attack! Air defence forces are already operating in the region. Keep the information silence. We urge you not to shoot videos and not to post on the net the work of our defenders! Take care of your own safety - stay in shelters or observe the rules of "two walls" during the air alert signal," says the message from the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.

At 05:24, Klitschko said that debris from downed missiles had fallen in two districts of the capital

"Debris fell on the roof of a commercial building in the Darnytski district. Debris has also fallen in the Shevchenko district. All services are rushing to the scene," the mayor wrote.

According to KHVA, debris also fell on the building in the Shevchenko district. Damage and casualties are being assessed. "Debris in the Shevchenko district of Kyiv also fell on the territory of non-residential buildings. Information on damage and casualties is being collected," said the head of the KHVA, Serhiy Popko.

Ambulances are on the way to the scene in the Shevchenko district, Klitschko said.

"Medical personnel have left for the Shevchenko district. Details will be given later," he noted.

No victims were found at the addresses. However, the ambulance later received a third call. Medics took a 24-year-old woman to hospital with cuts from broken glass.

Fires broke out at the sites of the falling debris in the capital.

"Firefighters extinguish a fire in the Darnytski district, where a fire broke out after debris fell on the roof of a commercial building. There was a fire in the administrative building in the Shevchenko district," Klitschko said at 05:44.

"Fires have arisen in places of falling debris in the Darnytski and Shevchenko districts of Kyiv. The state emergency service is working to extinguish them. Information about the victims is being specified," added in KMVA.

At around 6am, another site of debris from the downed missile was found in the Shevchenko district.

"Another place of falling debris has been found in the Shevchenko district. There is a fire in the open area," the capital's mayor said.

At 6am it was announced that two people had died as a result of falling debris in the Shevchenko district.

"Unfortunately, as a result of the fall of debris in the Shevchenko district of Kyiv, on the territory of the enterprise, preliminary, 2 people died. Another woman was injured. She is being treated," Popko said.

The dead were the company's guards, men aged 26 and 36.

As of 06:15, the number of injured had risen to two.

"The fire brigade and rescue services continue to work at the scene. Especially in the Darnytski district and in four locations in the Shevchenko district. As a result of an enemy missile attack in Kyiv killed 2 people. 2 were injured and hospitalised," Klitschko said.

According to revised data, as of 7am, three wounded are known. Two of them have been hospitalised, the third was treated at the scene.

According to the head of the KMVA, the capital has not experienced such a massive attack since the spring of this year.

"Kyiv has not experienced such a powerful attack since the spring. The enemy carried out a massive combined attack using drones and rockets. First, the Russians used attack drones (tentatively Shahed barrage munitions). Several groups of drones headed towards Kiev from different directions. Soon missiles launched from Tu-95ms strategic aircraft were flying towards the capital," Popko said.

He added that the Ukrainian air defence over the capital had shot down at least 20 enemy air targets.

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