Reznikov Outlines Possible Terms For Getting F-16 Fighter Jet In Ukraine

  • 22.08.2023, 13:17

And what you need to do.

Ukraine will be ready to accept the first F-16 fighters no earlier than in 6-7 months. It will depend on the time for training Ukrainian specialists.

RBC-Ukraine reported with reference to a statement by Ukraine's Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov.

According to him, an aircraft is just a basic thing. It’s necessary to get weapons: missiles, shells and bombs that for the F-16 fighter jets. Also, do not forget about the preparation of infrastructure so that Ukraine can service aircraft and carry out combat missions.

In addition, the minister noted that not only pilots but also engineers, technicians and other specialists for planning operations should be trained to use the jets.

According to him, we are talking about several hundred people for the first aircraft in the Ukrainian sky.

“Therefore, I think that 6-7 months is the minimum period [for the transfer of the F-16 to Ukraine - Ed.], which must be consciously assessed. But if it will take a little longer - don't be disappointed because our pilots have demonstrated their ability to be ready in 6 months," he said.

At the same time, it is not yet known how long the training of technicians and engineers will take, because the maintenance and repair systems are complicated.

“I believe that our people are very talented. They mastered the Patriot system in 10 weeks instead of 10 months and the 155 caliber artillery systems in three weeks instead of three months. Therefore, I am sure that the Ukrainian F-16s will be liberating the temporarily occupied territories over Ukraine,” he added.

F-16 for Ukraine

On August 18, the media reported that the United States approved the transfer of F-16 jets from Denmark and the Netherlands to Ukraine. National Security Adviser to the President of the United States Jake Sullivan noted that Ukraine will receive fighter jets after the completion of pilot training.

It is known that the Netherlands can provide Ukraine with 42 fighters, and Denmark - with another 19.

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