Golovchenko: Price Growth Is Inevitable

  • 2.01.2023, 11:58

The economist agrees with the forecast of the Belarusian prime minister.

Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko says that price growth is inevitable in 2023.

Economist Leu Marholin also spoke about the price growth in 2023 in an interview with

- It would be surprising if inflation did not rise under these conditions. It has almost doubled the rate of inflation in previous years. Apparently, it will grow at the same rate in 2023.

The sanctions imposed on December 26 (the ceiling on oil prices), as well as what will be introduced from February 2023 in relation to petroleum products, have hit Russia hard. It will have a far more serious impact than the previous sanctions.

And since Belarus is now more dependent on Russia than ever before, we should expect these sanctions to hit Belarus as well.

Accordingly, we can expect inflation, rising prices, that store shelves will gradually become more empty, and so on. This, unfortunately, is the inevitable outcome of the policy pursued by Belarus.

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