Poland Estimates Number Of Legally Employed Belarusians In Poland

  • 10.08.2022, 11:03

Our countrymen are the second largest group of foreigners.

Polish government agencies have estimated the number of Belarusians legally employed in Poland. In this regard, our countrymen are the second largest group of foreigners after the Ukrainians, reports regarding the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.

By the end of June, there were 87 thousand citizens of Belarus, who are officially employed and pay contributions to the Social Security Fund.

This is even more than the number of Belarusians who have valid documents, allowing them to stay in Poland legally. Both employees and owners of companies, and people who work under contracts and other agreements are registered at the Social Security Fund.

The total number of foreigners legally working in Poland and paying social contributions is almost 1 mln. 25 thousand. This was the number in late July. Since late March, it has grown by about 93 thousand people.

"These people occupy a very important place in our labour market because they help fill personnel gaps in many industries and thus contribute to the development of the economy," said Marlena Malong, Minister of Family and Social Policy.

Most of them are Ukrainians - 736 thousand. The Social Security Fund notes that since the war began, they have not observed a mass withdrawal of Ukrainians from the records. Their number continues to grow. Since the end of March, there has been an increase of 69 thousand Ukrainians.

There are many citizens of Georgia working in Poland - more than 28 thousand.

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