Large Furniture Company VMG Closes Its Plant In Mahiliou

  • 8.06.2022, 16:12

What will happen to the 2,000 employees?

The production facilities of this Lithuanian corporation in Belarus fell under EU sanctions In March. Later, the company's management promised to diversify production and continue operation, according to the «BOR» Telegram channel.

Recently, VMG CEO Egidijus Mockus said that “the Mahiliou plant has been stopped, and the workers have been sent to “involuntary vacation”.

As for the Mahiliou plant workers, the most important question for them in this story is what will happen to their employment. The options may be different, as the practice of other foreign enterprises that have decided to stop their activities in Belarus shows.

For example, dismissals on the basis of staff reduction imply appropriate compensations. At the same time, at one of these enterprises in Homel, employees were offered either to relocate to Poland, or to come to the enterprise and stay there without work, including the night shift for 360 rubles a month, or to resign voluntarily.

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