We Need Tougher Sanctions Against Lukashenka Regime As They Hit Security Services

  • Natallia Radzina
  • 22.06.2022, 17:14

The Belarusian army did not enter Ukraine thanks to independent journalists.

Natallia Radzina, the editor-in-chief of the website, spoke at the Kalinouski Conference on June 21 at the European Parliament in Brussels. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group of the European Parliament and Anna Fotyga, MEP from the Law and Justice (PiS) Polish ruling party initiated the conference. Belarusian and European politicians, deputies and experts took part in the conference.

Speaking about the situation in Belarus concerning the destruction of the freedom of speech, Natalia Radina noted:

— In 2020-2021, They tried again to defeat the independent press in Belarus. They arrested and brutally tortured hundreds of journalists, destroyed editorial offices of the last independent media organisations, blocked and declared all independent websites extremist. Despite this, many media organisations managed to go abroad and continue their work. Today, our work is even more important in the conditions of the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, in conditions when the attack on Ukraine is carried out from the territory of Belarus.

It is extremely important today to broadcast to Belarusians true information about what is happening in Ukraine, about the crimes of the Putin regime in Ukraine. It is important to resist the brainwashing of Belarusians by Russian propaganda.

We are doing our job successfully in general. I believe that it is the merit of Belarusian independent journalists that the Belarusian army has not yet entered Ukraine. Belarusians want to die neither for the crazy Russian imperial ideas nor for the insane Lukashenka.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, we must continue to write and speak the truth and hope for solidarity and support.

What help do we need? Editorial offices need direct financial support. Unfortunately, from the experience of the Charter-97 website, the oldest independent website working for 24 years and the first blocked in Belarus back in 2018, I know that it is hard to be supported. It is today for some reason when the war has called it what it is, donors are more fond of media that give words to criminals.

It is important to demand the immediate release of all detained journalists, but it is also important not to forget about bloggers. Today, there are dozens of bloggers in prison who have very large audiences on their channels. The mass protests of 2020 became possible also due to their courage and hard work.

Global action is also needed. I read a report by the Belarusian Association of Journalists called 'Crimes Against Humanity In Belarus: Journalists'. I fully agree with the conclusion: “In 2020-2021, international crimes were committed in Belarus both under international and national law, namely crimes against humanity.”

Of course, not only journalists suffered. Peaceful protesters were killed (and we still do not know the exact number, according to some information, we are talking about dozens of those killed). Thousands of political prisoners are behind bars today. We don't know the names of all the prisoners. The authorities say that more than 4,000 criminal cases have been initiated under political articles.

The war against Ukraine aggravated the situation in Belarus. Lukashenka is an accomplice in the attack against Ukraine and should be held accountable along with Vladimir Putin.

The reaction of the international community to the crimes against humanity committed by the Lukashenka regime and the participation of the illegitimate regime in the war against Ukraine should be unequivocal. Sanctions are needed, primarily sectoral ones, as they have a real impact on the regime.

The so-called Prime Minister of Belarus Raman Halouchanka has already said that the Belarusian economy will not receive $18 billion this year because of the sanction. To understand the scale: the annual budget of Belarus is $10 billion.

In this regard, I do not exclude that the economic crisis in Belarus will intensify this autumn and spontaneous national protests are likely. Do not forget that the crisis will hit the salaries not only of normal Belarusians but also employees of law enforcement agencies, who are unlikely to defend the impostor Lukashenka with the same fervour.

Actually, Russia is forced to spend huge resources on the war, and is not able to fully support the puppet regime.

Therefore, we welcome the imposition of economic sanctions against the Lukashenka regime and call for their strengthening and unification with the sanctions imposed against Russia.

The International Labor Organization should also put pressure on the Belarusian dictatorship along with the sanctions of the European Union and the United States. It is necessary to impose a trade embargo against Belarus under Article 33 of the ILO Constitution for the destruction of independent trade unions, the arrests of trade union leaders and activists, and the systematic and widespread violation of workers' rights.

It is also necessary to support the initiative to create a Special International Tribunal to investigate the crimes of the Lukashenka regime and bring to justice those involved in crimes against humanity.


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