Siarhei Navumchyk: Lukashenka Showed Himself As Russian Fascist

  • 14.05.2022, 14:31

The deputy of the Supreme Council recalled the first crimes of the dictator against the Belarusian people.

In the Belsat studio, on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1995 referendum, after which the Soviet flag and coat of arms were returned to Belarus, Radio Svaboda columnist and deputy of the Supreme Council (1990-1996) Siarhei Navumchyk said: "It is essential to remember this date".

"This date marked, legally marked the consolidation of Russian fascism in Belarus. And Lukashenka showed himself as a Russian fascist. Russian, and not some other."

Several deputies protested and went on a hunger strike against the change of the flag and coat of arms. A few hours later they were beaten and carried out of the courtroom.

"It was a terrorist act against statesmen. The responsibility for it, both under the then Criminal Code and the current one is up to death penalty, and there is no statute of limitations. And if it is proved that Lukashenka had something to do with this, and he had and stated this at the session, he should be convicted," Navumchyk said.

The journalist calculated how many articles Lukashenka violated —it turned out a dozen and a half. The mere submission of the question of language and symbols to a referendum violates three articles of the Constitution.

"The main thing though is the cessation of the national revival, which was gaining strength in the late 80s and early 90s. All this happened in spite of imperial fascism, Russian fascism. And having put their man in Belarus, the Russian fascist Lukashenka, the forces behind him had to prepare Belarus for incorporation into Russia," the expert explains.

According to the political observer, after the referendum, for 27 years "there has been just frenzied pro-Russian, anti-national, anti-Belarusian propaganda":

"And, most importantly, the positions of Russian fascists in state structures were strengthened. And now we see these KGB, Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption, the prosecutor's office — all these fully fall under the definition of terrorist organizations. It is very strange for me that the world community does not define these organizations as terrorist," the expert notes.

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