Putin's Last Reckless Undertaking

  • Andrei Sannikov
  • 18.04.2022, 10:44

There have been worse special operations, but no meaner ones.

What Russia is doing in Ukraine today is the height of meanness.

Putin has unleashed a full-fledged war in order to seize an independent European country. All the excuses he is floundering in every day - "denazification", or the attempts to frighten NATO with the naked ... "truth", or to bring a suit against America, or half one thing, then half another - have nothing to do with the real goal.

Putin needs some kind of success to fulfill his secret desires, to satisfy the complexes of an uncharismatic man who got power by accident and has no intention of giving it away for the rest of his life. Preferably for the rest of everyone else's life, not his own one.

He was given the power at the time when everything was still possible. Russia was already in the Group of Eight, and every Tom, Dick and Harry was making a play for it. They were bringing in the money for nothing, just because there were prospects.

There was a certain amount of freedom. It was possible for the country to take off so that it could become really something.

But the powers were given to the offspring of the worst that existed in the USSR: to the Soviet nomenklatura and security apparatus, who had never taken into account national interests or human beings as such.

So the thug from St. Petersburg went into the habitual trade of the Soviet nomenklatura: consolidating power with the help of the special services and stealing on a grand scale.

Over all these years he has not created anything. He has only been destroying.

And he was eager to come up big in some way. He was coming up with grandiose projects - space, technological, geopolitical - all in vain. Worst of all - no one was interested.

COVID frightened the thug and he finally made up his mind to undertake the major meanness, to at least show up in history - he attacked Ukraine.

He did it according to all the canons of the scum from which he comes from, who get together in a gang to steal pennies from the youngest, who secretly snitches on classmates, who envies everyone who is smarter and therefore more successful, who strives by all means to the top, to give free rein to their miserable and meagre fantasies.

Putin has raised all this meanness to an absolute.

He has attacked a state, which had been withdrawing from the past, from such Putins and Lukashenkas, with difficulty, but consistently. This state was not going to be at war with anybody. It was not even going to fight for the lands that had been taken away from it, it was going to conduct hopeless negotiations about their fate.

Putin has attacked a country whose citizens, although they do not like him at all, are more than tolerant of the Russians.

He has attacked Ukraine using the entire arsenal of the Soviet-KGB system: lies, big lies, denial of common sense, murder of civilians of a foreign country, imprisonment and torture of citizens of his own country...

Worst of all, this latest Putin's reckless undertaking is completely pointless. It will destroy him, and the hell with him, but innocent people, civilians, are being killed.

It happens, there is no point in pretending otherwise, that evil triumphs. It is painful, and it takes time to realise this and to correct it.

However, meanness never wins. Meanness - it has no facets. It is equally repugnant even to the warring parties.

Putin's meanness is obvious, and his downfall is inevitable.

God save Ukraine!

Andrei Sannikov, Facebook

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