Bild: Is Kremlin Tired Of Lukashenka?

  • 28.11.2022, 14:51

Russia could decide to get rid of the Belarusian dictator.

The most popular publication in Germany, Bild, also writes about the death of Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei:

"The day before, the Belarusian state news agency BelTA reported the sudden death of the country's Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei. The death factor is still unclear. At the same time, Anton Herashchenko, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, has already suggested that a high-ranking official could have been poisoned.

“Makei was called a possible successor to Lukashenka,” Herashchenko wrote.

The authoritative American research centre, Robert Lansing Institute, shortly before Makei's death, reported, citing sources in the Russian military leadership, that the Kremlin had decided to get rid of Aliaksandr Lukashenka.

According to American experts, the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) can make an attempt to assassinate Lukashenka and, regardless of whether it becomes successful, fabricate evidence that will indicate the involvement of Ukraine, Poland and NATO in the operation.

The assassination of Lukashenka, apparently, is necessary in order to unite the two armies, Russian and Belarusian, in the war against Ukraine. Thus, the Russian Federation wants to draw Belarus into hostilities, absorbing the country and depriving it of its sovereignty, analysts believe.

Experts even indicate a possible successor to Lukashenka: he could be Stanislau Zas, a Belarusian military loyal to the Kremlin, who holds the post of Secretary General of the CSTO.

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