Military Enlistment Offices Become More Active In Belarus

  • 5.10.2022, 8:55

De facto, there are signs of "hidden" mobilization.

Dictator Lukashenka has officially admitted that Belarus participates in the war against Ukraine, but allegedly "does not send its military there". At the same time, the military registration and enlistment offices have become more active in the country.

Valeryj Kalinouski, correspondent of the Belarusian service of Radio Svaboda, told Channel 24 about it. Moreover, there are signs that Belarus is preparing for the coming of Russian mobilised soldiers to be trained before going to war in Ukraine.

So even though dictator Lukashenka has assured that there will be no mobilisation, certain signs are being observed.

"There is an increased activity of the military registration and enlistment offices in Belarus. They verify the documents, they send them to someone. That is, they organize the work," said Kalinouski.

He suggested that maybe in this way they are preparing for another draft. As for the full-scale mobilization, the readiness is at the same level as in Russia.

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