All We Need Is Courage and Patience

  • The "Hani bykou!" telegram channel
  • 29.09.2021, 11:26

We just need to do our job.

Any revolution develops in waves: revolution - reaction, revolution - reaction. It has ups and downs. For a while, the forces of the old regime are gaining the upper hand, it may even seem that we have lost. Then society goes on the offensive and this swing continues until...

Until one side takes over? No. Until the contradiction that caused the conflict is resolved. And there is only one contradiction: the constructed political and economic system does not meet the interests of the absolute majority of Belarusians.

There are only two ways to resolve this: either change the system or replace the Belarusians. Which is more likely, I think you understand yourself.

We must understand that the decline of protests does not mean their end.

And even the end of the protests for a while will not mean that the system will remain.

Why? Because it has outlived herself. That's it. Neither Lukashenka nor we, even if we want it, can save it.

Where, then, are the pessimistic moods coming from again? Why do thousands of Belarusians go abroad, do not march, and whine that "we have lost?"

There is one psychological trait that has always played an extremely important role in keeping Lukashenka in power - it is learned helplessness.

Until he lost his touch, Lukashenka was a competent psychologist and felt the masses. He understood how the environment programs behavior. And he made very correct moves so that the dissatisfied part of society could not believe in itself.

This was supported by the demonstration of the monolithic nature of the state machine, the absence of successful protests in the anamnesis, the atomization of society, and, of course, the regular “There will be no Maidan!”, repeated like a mantra.

It was skillful teaching of people to the fact that they are not able to change anything in the country by their conscious efforts.

Due to the efforts of civil society, headquarters, mistakes of Lukashenka himself, there was a turning point in 2020.

People believed in themselves. They understood that they - those who are for changes - are the majority. This is a tectonic shift that predetermined everything that came after.

And now all the efforts of the state are aimed at plunging society into the previous state of learned helplessness. And now you can sometimes hear the old phrases such as "protests will lead nowhere," "everything will be as before," and so on.

This is how the regime tries to drive society back into the stall. This should never be allowed. This bridgehead - the awareness of our unity and numerical superiority - is more important than the streets and squares.

Remember, every time someone near you spreads pessimism, the dictatorship speaks through the mouth of that person.

You can't put us all in jail or kick us out of the country, but you can make us believe that we are weak and vulnerable. To support this discourse with whining is to help the authorities.

Therefore, let's leave pessimism until better times. Truth is on our side, time is on our side. All we need is courage and patience. We just take it and do our job. Every day.

Long live Belarus! Belarus is fighting!

The "Hani bykou!" telegram channel

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