Poland Wants Interpol To Re-Check Warrants From Belarus

  • 15.09.2021, 10:12

Minsk is using the organization for political purposes.

The Polish authorities intend to make Interpol to impose a systematic measure for additional verification of applications for international search from Belarus and Russia, as the two countries are increasingly using Interpol search for their political purposes. This is reported by tvn24, citing sources in the leadership of law enforcement agencies.

The problem became particularly acute on Sunday after the Polish police detained protester Makar Malakhouski, who had fled from Belarus and was in Poland on a humanitarian visa. He was detained because he was on Interpol's "red list" - he was put on the international wanted list by Belarus. Having made it clear that the case was political, the young man was released the next day. The head of the Polish Interior Ministry, Mariusz Kamiński, said that the case was a result of the political use of Interpol by the Belarusian regime.

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