Georgia Shares How Borshchevarka Not Allowed Into the Country

  • 15.09.2021, 14:09

The mention of her name was enough to trigger a wave of resentment in society and political circles.

On September 14th, the Central Election Commission of Belarus "refuted" the information that Lidia Yermoshina would monitor the municipal elections in Georgia. However, the Georgian non-governmental International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy stated that her name was on the application form, as reports.

"We saw that, according to the CEC of Georgia, the application for participation in the local elections of Georgia as independent observers was sent by the CEC of Belarus, headed by Lidia Yermoshina, with her signature. No other names were given at that time," said the head of the organization Nino Dolidze.

She stressed the application came with Yermoshina's surname.

"Yes, she is the head of the CEC of Belarus. Theoretically, there could be two people from the Belarusian CEC, including Yermoshina. Again, the other names were unmentioned. This precedent was enough to trigger a wave of resentment in the society and political circles," said Dolidze.

The head of the organization adds that "we will surely learn whether there are any new names after the news about the denial of the former data by the Belarusian authorities. We will even make an official request to the CEC of Georgia. However, it doesn't change the essence of the complaint against the Belarusian CEC".

So far, there has been no official comment from the Georgian CEC.

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