Krystsina Tsimanouskaya: At the Airport, I Approached the Japanese Police and Showed a Request for Help in the Google Translator

  • 5.08.2021, 17:07

The athlete told how she decided not to return to Belarus.

Belarusian athlete Krystsina Tsimanouskaya told when and why she decided not to return to Belarus. It is reported by Reuters.

The sprinter said that when she was already being taken to Tokyo airport to be sent to Belarus, her grandmother called her:

- I had literally 10 seconds. She called and said: "Please do not return to Belarus, it is dangerous." And hung up.

When the athlete was told to pack her things, she took time and consulted with her parents and husband, and the initial decision - before her grandmother called - was to return to Belarus. Upon arriving at the airport, she approached the Japanese police and showed a request for help in the Google translator.

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