Cockroach Signed Decree Depriving Belarusians Of Citizenship

  • 5.08.2021, 14:45

The scandalous document concerns naturalized citizens.

The usurper has signed decree №302, which amends the law on citizenship, reports Cockroach's press service.

The decree, in particular, regulates procedural issues related to the introduction of such a new institution as restoration of citizenship, as well as the expansion of the categories of foreigners and children entitled to acquire citizenship in a simplified procedure.

Additionally, the procedure of introducing to Cockroach of materials about the loss of Belarusian citizenship by naturalized persons (who received Belarusian citizenship not by birth - ed.) for "participating in extremist activity" or "causing serious harm to the interests of Belarus" and the procedure of stopping consideration of applications for acquiring Belarusian citizenship in cases provided for by the mentioned "law" are also envisaged.

In addition, taking into account the upcoming introduction of biometric documents, all lists of documents to be submitted by applicants for the purpose of acquisition or termination of citizenship have been updated.

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