How Does the Strike Start?

  • The BOR telegram channel
  • 21.07.2021, 10:06

One day we will simply rip off this stop-cock inside ourselves and stay at home.

You must agree that each of us needs a plan before we start anything. Like a grocery list in a store.

In protest, everything is different. We can, of course, announce a single date we go out or the day we stay at home. But what if the mechanism is already in motion?

The court dogs, thinking that they are tightening the screws, actually strengthen our confidence that it is time for us to do something. Without noticing it, we think at the workplace about how to move the pendulum in our direction. Without noticing it, we are already slowing down the workflow. Imagine doing two fewer parts every hour in an 8-hour day. This is already a deviation. Now imagine a minus within the shop floor.

In fact, the strike did not stop. SIt transformed. And, one day, when our internal mechanism is sufficiently fine-tuned, we will simply rip off this stop-cock inside ourselves and stay at home.

There will be a strike!

The Belarusian Workers' Association (BOR) telegram channel

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