Hrodna Azot Management Hiding Severe Ammonia Leak?

  • 12.07.2021, 15:45

It is reported that there was a leak of ammonia in such a volume that it can be equated with a man-made accident.

According to reports from the subscribers of the Telegram channel “Belarus Beyond Minsk Ring Road” from Hrodna, last week in one of the shops of OJSC “Hrodna Azot” there was a leak of ammonia in such a volume that it can be equated with a man-made accident. The management of the enterprise kept silent about this. At stationary measurement posts, which are located both in Hrodna itself and in the vicinity, the excess in ammonia exceeded three and a half times a day after the accident. And this is official, and unofficial - even more.

The reader notes that before that, ammonia was released in the Urea-2 workshop, where the accident occurred, for ten years. According to him, people just walked and breathed it every day. The CEO and chief engineer did not react to the complaints.

“The area itself was filled with ammonia: at the maximum concentration in the working area of 20 mg / m3, ammonia was felt so it was impossible to breathe. I will say that ammonia becomes noticeable at a concentration of 37mg / m3. All the numbers from the encyclopedia can be googled and checked,” the reader writes.

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