Henadz Fedynich: The Authorities Realized the Danger of the Situation

  • 9.06.2021, 15:26

The Lukashists have clearly begun to worry about a possible significant expansion of sanctions from the West.

According to Henadz Fedynich, the leader of the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio-Electronic Industry Workers, the authorities realized that the sanctions threaten the entire system of economic communication with democratic countries, which has been built for a long time:

- If the system for selling products has been worked out, and there are appropriate sources, then it is very difficult to switch to others. If they are lost, it will be almost impossible to return there. I think that the heads of enterprises also understand this in the relevant line ministries. We can lose these sales markets and not return there, and this is already a failure, - Radio Racyja quotes the leader of the REP.

- It seems that the Belarusian authorities have understood the danger of the situation. Following the previous templates, they began to send signals about the possibility of trade in political prisoners. But the situation, unlike in previous times, has gone very far. Responsibility for this lies with the current leadership of Belarus, - Henadz Fedynich believes.

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