Two Knockdowns for Lukashists

  • 10.04.2021, 11:14

A real hell has begun for the servants of the agro-führer in Minsk and the regions.

So we laughed about the fact that officials demand to set flags at a height of at least three meters and surround them with cameras in Pruzhany, writes the Nick and Mike Telegram channel.

Meanwhile, the officials' concern did not arise out of nowhere. In neighboring Zhabinka, partisan warfare with red and green flags is in full swing. And they literally covered the whole city with them, which is what the locals are extremely unhappy with.

On March 13, the flag was removed and the flag was burned, which flew not very proudly on the building of the editorial office of the local propaganda tool, Selskaya Prauda. What used to be called the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case, but they have been looking for it for a long time, but they cannot find.

The story seemed to have ended: a new flag was hung over the editorial office, but a real hell began for the agro-führer's supporters. Over the past three weeks, the Zhabinka partisans tore down flags 6 more times: from shops and the local library (twice).

The Pruzhany methods of hanging higher and equipping such places with cameras are not very helpful. On the night of Freedom Day, the flag was torn from the roof of one of the shops along with a camera.

Yes, instead of the red-green flags, the partisans, of course, hang out the white-red-white ones. Local officials are shocked and do not know how to deal with this. The confrontation continues. The story with flags is, of course, an exemplary case of how not to do it if your task is not to inculcate hatred of the red-green flag in people. It shows very well that propaganda is in a deep knockdown.

Now let's talk about the economic knockdown. The administration of the Pershamaiski district of Minsk has set the task of attracting $ 4 million to the district in the form of gratuitous foreign aid.

Everyone is in business:

deputy heads of the district administration (to appoint responsible persons);

heads of structural divisions of the district (provide a list of humanitarian projects);

business leaders (reduce the burden on the budget through humanitarian projects);

heads of public organizations (to intensify work in competitions);

head of the department of social protection (provide a set of measures to attract assistance).

Now you know what decay is. The document exudes impotence and hopelessness. It seems that the pompous face of Comrade Shashka (head of the district administration - ed.) can crack from the seriousness with which he communicated these idiotic impossible plans to his subordinates.

Comrade Shashka, it's time to hand over your party card. You will not be able to attract anything. You can already report to the top that everything is gone.

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