Ihar Skarynin: Now the Whole World Knows That Belarusian Women Are the Most Courageous

  • 8.03.2021, 19:03

A veteran of Belarusian business - for March 8.

- For today's generations, the intensity of the historical moment we are living now is unprecedented, - Ihar Skarynin writes. - Even in the second half of the eighties, a time much more revolutionary than today, there was no such extreme concentration on the most important and most burning question: "When, finally??!!"

In those years, a new world was opening, the curtain was crumbling, tightly closed doors were thrown open, the air smelled of freedom, and at the same time, everything was seething - politics, literature, cinema, music, history, and journalism. This made the process of epochal changes more multidimensional and therefore much less painful for each of us. We can say that then we received more consolation.

Today, in our, at first glance, purely local conflict, we, almost in disbelief, clearly observe a fabulously grotesque example of the confrontation between truth and falsehood, good and evil. There are practically no distractions, the essence of the conflict is concentrated in the ethical sphere.

And it is precisely this one-dimensionality of it, on the one hand, that makes it mercilessly difficult for the participants, and on the other, gives it global significance.

It was congratulations on the 8th of March, in case you suddenly did not understand.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that our women are the most beautiful, kind, and selfless.

Now the whole world knows that they are also the most courageous.

I wish they could consider themselves the happiest.

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