Political Analyst: One Should Leave Lukashenka at the Mercy of Belarusians

  • 3.03.2021, 13:47

There are things the Belarusians will never forgive.

Belarusian political analyst Dzmitry Bolkunets stated it in the interview with

- Andrei Suzdaltsev expresses the opinion that if protests erupt again at the end of March, it will be a reason for Moscow to ask Lukashenka: "where are the reforms?" It will mean his resignation. How realistic is it?

- Everything depends on the scale of these protests. Society has not reconciled to the fact that Lukashenko remains the leader of the country.

Society does not accept him as such. He launched a genocide in the country, was involved in mass repressions, the murder of several politicians and ordinary citizens who died in August-September as a result of his orders. Plus, several thousand people suffered from violence. Belarus has not experienced such a thing since the war. Today's inhabitants of Belarus will never forgive him for being the dictator incapable of negotiation.

Lukashenka believes Moscow will pay for his presidency. Once Moscow has recognized him, it will continue to throw him a kopeck, in exchange for insults to Russia. At the moment, Lukashenka is delicate. In a while, he will start insulting Russia publicly again, as it has repeatedly happened.

- What should Moscow do?

- Ideally, Russia should not interfere in these processes. It should leave Lukashenka at the mercy of Belarusian citizens. To stop lending money, communicating with him, start ignoring him, and quietly observe the developments in Belarus. Belarusian society is wise enough to deal with its problems without support from the West or the East.

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