Lied Again

  • Telegram-Channel "Nick and Mike"
  • 29.03.2021, 11:19

Sometimes, as they say, there is no time for a vaccine.

Scientists in Belarus and Russia reacted to the idiotic task of the country's chief virologist to create the world's best vaccine against covid. Nothing new: Lukashenka has lied again.

To begin with, here is an opinion from the neighbors. The head of the department of microbiology of latent infections at the Gamaleya Institute Viktor Zuev believes that Lukashenka’s words should not be taken seriously: “Why does he say that, the devil only knows, we should ask him already. The man blurted out something, why to attract the public to this?" Zuev said and reminded us that Belarus is just bottling a ready-made vaccine. We have already reported that Russia did not transfer any recipes, despite the Sochi conversation between two old men.

Former President of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Aliaksandr Vaitovich made an even harsher thrashing: “I believe that we are not able to create a vaccine. We never created our own vaccine but produced what someone created. We do not have personnel who would deal with these issues, although there are scientists who understand all this.

But the development of technology is completely different; we have no experience in technology and technological personnel. After all, it costs billions of dollars to develop a vaccine that we don't have. In our situation, such statements will remain just statements,” Vaitovich said.

While the old man is trying to figure out how to surprise the world with a breakthrough in Belarusian medicine, in March, there are more than 200 vaccines in development in the world, about 60 vaccines are in clinical trials. At least 17 vaccines are used for vaccinations.

In general, the time has passed. But this is one part of the problem. The second is money. AstraZeneca received $ 1 billion for development almost a year ago. Moderna - 955 million. Russia spent 20-25 million on its Sputnik-5.

Well, the third problem is personnel. It is difficult to expect that people who receive 700 rubles will be able to make a world breakthrough. Also, let's not forget the atmosphere of terror. This also interferes with creativity. We previously wrote about the repression at the Academy of Sciences. If you have an update on the situation, you are welcome to the bot.

In March 2020, the vaccine was already promised. And not just any, but, according to Nick, immediately HIV. What can some kind of psychotic corona do to us? It can be treated with Valerian. We already shared billions of sales proceeds. But ... There is no hole for the order, but there is a hole in the budget.

In general, all these statements made by the chief virologist are total bluff and provocation. The only thing these tough business executives do well is the double bass. Well, Vaitovich's interview is a must-read. Theses:

- in 2020, only 4 people defended their doctoral dissertations (in 2000 there were 31 of them);

- in 2020, Belarusian scientists published only 12 articles per 100 thousand of the population. Only Albania and Moldova are worse than us in Europe. In Russia - 56, in Latvia - 74, in Lithuania - 81, in Poland - 94.

- the percentage of doctors of sciences in the National Academy of Sciences over 65 years old - 85%

- salary of a senior researcher - 600-800 rubles

Sometimes, as they say, there is no time for a vaccine.

Telegram channel "Nick and Mike"

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