Pride In The Country

  • Natallia Radzina
  • 24.03.2021, 11:23

The whole world is once again looking at the Belarusians with hope and sympathy.

I have been celebrating Freedom Days since 1997. That year, I was a second-year student, working as a journalist, and I came to the first rally on that day. I was celebrating all the following Freedom Days in the street with the people who wanted freedom in a country that was not free. The best meetings with the most outstanding Belarusians happened exactly there. The pride in my country, respect for its history and national identity came to me there, too. For some reason, on March 25, Minsk has always been an especially bright and sunny city, despite the weather and gray police uniforms.

To be sure, such a holiday can be celebrated at home, or in concert halls, and certainly (we'll see it come true!) - in state institutions. Yet, for more than 20 years, I have been celebrating Freedom Day in the street only. For the first 13 years - in the center of Minsk always, then, as a forced emigrant, in the squares of various European cities. I believe that very soon I will be able to celebrate Freedom Day in my home country, in the center of the capital.

For me personally, it is not only the day of proclamation of the Belarusian People's Republic, the actual Day of Independence. It is a day of overcoming. Just remember the conditions under which the founding fathers of the BPR had to declare the creation of our state: the post-war devastation, world repartition, pressure from all sides, the onslaught of the Bolsheviks. However, the Belarusians found the strength and took the risk. They seem to have been giants, but they were ordinary people, just like us - with their doubts and weaknesses. And yet they were able to overcome them.

What drove them? Their love to the country, their responsibility to the history and the future, their desire to be free and live in dignity in their own country? Probably. Today, 103 years later, we feel exactly the same things; they are spurring us into action, keeping us going, giving us strength and nourishing our hopes.

Freedom Day is the bench mark, the link of times, our gratitude to the glorious and courageous ancestors, the continuation of our common struggle for freedom. Yes, we are facing serious challenges, but despite all the difficulties, the chances of victory are enormous. We cannot hide on this day, it is our national holiday. In 2020, we surprised everyone. The world is looking at the Belarusians with hope and sympathy again.

Natallia Radzina, Editor-in-Chief

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