Famous British Actress Kristin Milward Supported the Protesting Belarusians

  • 25.02.2021, 15:17

As a sign of solidarity, she recorded a video about the plot of the book "Second Hand Time."

The famous British actress Kristin Milward supported the Belarusians. This was announced on Facebook by the Belarusian director and head of the London HUNCHtheatre Vladimir Shcherban:

- Friends, watch this video. Respected British actress Kristin Milward, as a sign of solidarity with Belarus, recorded a short excerpt from the book "Second Hand Time" by Nobel laureate Svetlana Aleksievich.

Kristin is not on social media, so she asked me for a quick introduction. This is a very timely fifteen-minute performance about the theater of political action in which Belarusians find themselves today.

It is today that the solidarity of the world's creative people is vital because Belarus leaves the front pages of the world media and politicians traditionally froze in indecision. Watch and share with your English-speaking friends to let them know what is happening in the center of Europe right now.

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