200 Days Of Protest For Our Freedom!

  • Katsiaryna Snytsina
  • 24.02.2021, 16:27

We continue to resist.

Freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom of peaceful assembly, FREEDOM!

The variety of ways of hitting rock bottoms is amazing: violence, arrests and prison sentences for men, women, the elderly, and the final chord ... children!

BUT! There is always a BUT!

If someone told us a year ago that we would become DIFFERENT - would you have believed?

If someone told you that neighbors would become more than neighbors, but would turn into comrades-in-arms and people whom you can trust, would you have believed?

If they told me that I would openly share my tears, emotions and experiences with strangers, I would definitely not have believed.

SOLIDARITY has entered our life at a new level, THEY cannot understand this, and no one can take it away from US!

There are many words about our fight lasting for ALREADY 200 days, but if you look from the other side, we are fighting for ONLY 200 days!

How many new things we have learnt about ourselves! About the people around! How many new people will come into our lives to lend a helping hand, or just shake it in gratitude ?!

It is impossible to forget the pain that we have experienced during this time!

To get used to repression means to accept it!

So just keep on resisting! Everyday! Resist to any arbitrariness of the regime! For yourself, your relatives, friends, acquaintances, strangers, the wounded, the dead and those in prison!

Continue to resist as best you can!

P.S. it turned out to be a big messy text, but I need to tell you so much, I have so many emotions inside, so many experiences, so much power that I would like to convey to you, but I don't know how!

Katsiaryna Snytsina, Instagram

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