Strong Appeal of Hrodna Riot Police Captain: “Protect People. Do Not Run Around With a Mad Man”

  • 23.02.2021, 8:14

On February 23, Siarhei Makar called on his comrades-in-arms to unite with the people.

Siarhei Makar, a former fighter of Hrodna riot police, and now a member of the BYPOL initiative, addressed his fellow servicemen on 23 February:

- Dear gentlemen and residents of my glorious and selfless city of Hrodna! On February 23, I congratulate all the men and especially the women who inspire us with Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you love, joy and do hope your wishes come true.

My name is Siarhei Makar. I am 45 years old, a captain. I have two jubilee medals. I used to work in the riot police of Hrodna from 1997 to 2004, my Callsign "Ripper". I will not explain why. I'm addressing the "cartoon" and those who are with him. Stop committing atrocities and beating people! Finally, find a use for your heroic might in defence of law and justice! I don't want to hear anything about constitution-prostitution or constitutional-prostitutional order! I shall be the first to demand, after the overthrow of the dictatorship, the abolition of all decrees, orders, laws, and bylaws since 1994. It will take much work for the new constitutional court. The punishment is unavoidable.

I assume that there will be opponents who mumble that I also hurt someone, somewhere. I will answer them straight away about the "beatings": I have never used excessive physical force or combat techniques during my service. As for "hurting", I will say that even those whom I had to detain or suppress, respectfully told me they did not want and would not repeat their unlawful deeds.

People respected me and I respected people. I want people to respect the riot police again, as they did in 1995-1999. When both bandits and erudite respectfully bowed their heads to the riot police.

That was unity and brotherhood. There were no prejudices.

What do I see today? Where are the best of the best to defend the law, not those indulging the phobias of the usurper? Where is the unity of the Special Forces? Where is the brotherhood of the Special Forces when justice and a better future call for it? Why couldn't the brotherhood find the money to cure Yura Harauski's leg, but it easily found the money to upgrade the houses and cars of the chiefs? This is corruption! Things we now observe in the government, or the system, if you like, is the corruption hysteria. In brief, it means a corrupt official ferociously supporting and justifying any unlawful actions of another corrupt official to the detriment of state interests. It means threats or other aggressive actions the corrupt officials throw against non-corrupt individuals to save and preserve their mercantile needs.

I think you see the point.

I cannot understand why Special Forces personnel have driven the situation into mocking, hatred and disgrace!

Doctors don't want to treat the riot police!

Teachers don't want to teach the riot police!

Bartenders don't want to give the riot police a drink!

Cooks don't want to feed the riot police!

Taxi drivers don't want to drive the riot police!

Girls don't want to make friendship with the riot police!

Sellers don't want to sell to the riot police!

Nurses don't want to nurse the riot police!

Priests don't want to perform a funeral service for the riot police!

Or do they want them to find peace? Do you see the point of a special unit in this negativity? You are wrong!

Are you even capable of understanding how disgusting and repugnant that is? To hide from people in your freedom-loving city of Hrodna. Or is your fear so great and terrible that you have to put a mask on your wife and children to distinguish whom to love or beat? It is very sad. I urge you to change the situation and turn to the people! There is still time for that!

I know it's not easy. I understand that one can't do it openly. But you are the best of the best! Adapt to the situation. People will understand and help you! You will echo in people's hearts. My friends from BYPOL will post a link under my appeal. You can use it to share your pain. All questions and appeals will be considered. No one will turn anyone in. The person you contact will never mention your names! He will repeat a thousand times that it was a stranger and will never point you out. You have already had the opportunity to witness the courage and fortitude of the free people of Hrodna residents!

If any of you think I can help you, please contact me. If someone else can help you, contact this person. If I cannot help or answer a question or request for some reason, I will find somebody else who can. Remember, you are not alone! We are all human beings, first and foremost! Do it, and you will surprise how quickly the situation changes for the better. Deny fear! It's the worst feeling a person has.

I'm not afraid of anyone or anything! I suppose there will be some who can testify that I am not a member of any fraternity. If any of the current members found my appeal unacceptable, I will find an opportunity to explain my principled position on membership and fraternity.

Some will claim it's stability. Stable bad situation for 26 years? It's getting worse. Let's start living better!

I don't want to hear any arguments. You know about the election fraud, ballot-box stuffing and manipulation. You remember how you have always been forced to vote early to get a better turnout. You know there is no election, and there never was one. You know the role of the voter ends when the voter signs the ballot paper. That is why they force people to the polling stations to "vote" early. It doesn't matter at all what or who writes on the ballot. It has been lasting for 26 years! It is sad.

My appeal aims primarily at the Hrodna riot police. I do not mention names to avoid problems. Don't divide society into red-green and white-red-white. Unite and win! Protect people! Build your future! Free from lies! Or are you going to keep running around with an assault gun together with a mad man?

To be the best, one does not need to use a baton or beat one's head against a brick wall! Exalt yourself! Don't rush to follow criminal orders. Others will follow. One can always find a good way to ignore an illegal order.

Look at how our brothers live - Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Czechs and others. They help us. They help you too! After all, the goal of any person is to live well and free.

Please, be quick to make a decision! Otherwise, your mental activity may stop all of a sudden! It happens.

Best of luck!

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