Whole Classes Of Children In Minsk Schools Are Sick

  • 15.12.2021, 23:06

At the same time, quarantine norms for schools have not been introduced.

Minsk residents told the White Coats Telegram channel about a sharp surge in the incidence of diseases in schools:

"In one of the schools of the factory district, only 10 out of 31 pupils came to the classes in 5th grade, the rest of the children are very ill: high fever, sore throat, cough, abdominal pain.

Also, there were changes regarding calling pediatricians for a home visit, they said they will only come to the children under 3 years old - through the polyclinic."

"Minsk, secondary school #36, 6-13 people in the class attend school, others are I'll, all patients have a high fever, cough. Doctors say one thing: it was necessary to get vaccinated against flu.

It spreads very quickly. The child fell ill on Friday evening, two days passed - both I and the second child fell ill: fever, cough, running nose, headache. The rest of the classmates also - and their parents. In neighboring schools (for example, the grammar school #1) the same picture, in some places the incidence rate in classes is 100% there ... "- said Minsk residents.

At the same time, quarantine norms for schools have not been introduced.

Take care of yourself - stay at home!

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