Mass Dismissals In Cultural Institutions Affect All Belarus

  • 29.11.2021, 14:24

The directors of some institutions are inclined to write denunciations in exchange for keeping their jobs.

After the publication about mopping up at the Philharmonic, there have been many reports from Minsk and the regions about mass layoffs that are taking place and are planned in state museums, theaters and galleries, writes head of the Rada of the Belarusian Culture Siarhei Budkin on his Facebook page.

"Unfortunately, we can't talk about everything publicly because of people's safety. But in general terms, the situation today looks like this:

- Dozens of people may be fired from the National Museum of History.

- Even the heads of the branches of the State Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature are being dismissed. According to our information, the staff of one of its branches has been dismissed almost completely!

- The dismissals are made by mutual agreement of the parties and gradually, so as not to create a public outcry. The statements are signed by different dates.

- The directors of some cultural institutions are being persuaded to write denunciations in exchange for keeping their jobs.

- A new tool of manipulation is the employment reference letter. The document is mandatory for those who go to a government institution. Fired people are given papers that exclude such a possibility," wrote Siarhei Budkin.

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