BOR: First, Answer Yourself a Few Questions

  • 27.10.2021, 11:24

And make a fresh decision.

Why you need to go on strike on November 1 and how to do it right.

The telegram channel of the Belarusian Workers' Association (BOR) writes about this.

First, answer yourself a few questions.

1) Have we already achieved all the goals of our revolution?

a) Are there no political prisoners?

b) Do you have a legitimate president and an excellent government?

c) Do the security forces of all departments behave absolutely within the law?

2) Maybe things aren't so bad?

a) Has anyone been arrested for political reasons in the last couple of weeks?

b) The freedom of the press is growing, the Telegram channels are hitting the nail on the head. And no one declares them extremist?

c) Everything is fine with Covid; not only have they reached a "plateau" but the number of people infected/died is steadily decreasing?

d) And in connection with such tendencies, can we afford to wait another couple of months, to accumulate strength?

Did you manage to answer all the questions posed with a clear "NO"? Well, I'll diagnose you - you are still "zmagar" ("fighter" in Belarusian)! If only because you are able to look and SEE EVERYTHING.

Let's move on.

In 2020, you didn't really doubt when you put on white bracelets, took pictures of ballots, and folded them like an accordion, did you?

And then - maybe you were afraid but got your ass up and went on the march?

And if you didn’t walk yourself, did you follow the march on Nexta?

So you were able to make decisions. And fight.

And if someone tells you that this ability to make decisions has already been taken away from you - first, spit on him.

And make a fresh decision. Resist evil in the way you can.

Make a PERSONAL decision to participate in the strike from November 1. Do not think at this point whether others will support you. Undoubtedly, they will support you if they see your firm decision in your eyes.

Long live Belarus!

There will be a strike!

Let us remind you that the leader of the Belarusian Workers' Association Siarhei Dyleuski announced the beginning of the strike on November 1.

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