Renown Infectious Diseases Doctor On COVID-19: Officials Will Be Held Liable To Law

  • 22.10.2021, 10:59

Mikita Salavei harshly criticized the Ministry of Health.

The well-known infectious disease specialist Mikita Salavei on Facebook commented on the abolition of the mandatory mask regime in crowded places by the Ministry of Health:

- I will explain it in human terms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are most likely not even at the peak of the incidence, when clinics and hospitals of health care institutions in all regions of the country choke on patients with COVID-19, lack of oxygen, medicines, when the provision of care to patients with almost all planned pathology is suspended, when doctors are forced to send many patients, even with acute diseases, home for treatment, since there is physically nowhere to hospitalize them without risking to get a COVID, the mandatory mask regime in crowded places is canceled.

For example, in the subway during rush hour, in shops, shopping centers, etc.

I am not surprised by the position of the officials of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Everything has been clear there for a long time. The main goal of this “ministry” has long been to curry favor with higher officials, and certainly not caring about people, all consecutive actions from falsification of statistics on morbidity and mortality from COVID to surprisingly “tactical” decisions clearly testify to this.

In the near future, officials will have to answer for this before the law and the Belarusian people. Brazil's current precedent will help.

I am surprised by the position of many of my colleagues. Are there really no real doctors left in the sanitary-epidemiological service, infectious diseases service, anesthesiology and resuscitation, and other industries among full-time and freelance specialists, for whom the health and well-being of their own people is much more important than the momentary well-being of a handful of officials?

How many more hundreds of patient deaths a day does it take for you to get your tongues out of one place and finally start doing everything possible to end the madness that is happening with the COVID? Including influencing key decisions to prevent the further spread of the pandemic. This is probably a rhetorical question. But maybe at least someone else will be able to think ...

Dear Patients! Doctors don't panic. They are doing their best to help you get out of the COVID-19 disaster with minimal losses, providing assistance at home, in clinics and hospitals. Unfortunately, not everything depends on ourselves.

I once again urge everyone who has not yet done so to get vaccinated as soon as possible, use masks at least in transport and crowded places, cancel unnecessary visits to shops, shopping centers, entertainment events, take care not only of yourself, but of people near you, who can often be more vulnerable than us. Only together we can cope with it!

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