Changing the Grouping of Addends Does Not Change the Sum

  • 21.10.2021, 14:54

Half-measures cannot calm the angry workers of the Mozyr oil refinery.

October 12 was the last working day for the chief ideologist and deputy general director for personnel and social development of the Mozyr refinery Teteruk G.V. The contract was not renewed. Even though he is a former Chekist, he was blamed for the strike of the plant workers and even for the "abyss" between the workers and the management, the Belarusian Association of Workers (BOR) telegram channel says.

However, if the leadership wanted to, it would go down to the workers in order to overcome this very “abyss.”

Following Teteruk, they are trying to get rid of the chairman of the BHP trade union committee Chumanevich O.I. As the head of the trade union committee, Chumanevich had to personally return all those who left the trade union. But she did not cope with the task.

Interestingly, a new person has already been found to replace Teteruk - the former chief physician of the Sosny sanatorium, a practicing gynecologist at the Mozyr maternity hospital. He is a respected person in the city, and, therefore, he will certainly be able to carry out social work at a decent level.

By and large, it is the standard reshuffling of the staff simply for the sake of calming down the angry workers. But such things are done differently. To start with, they should at least try to figure out what the workers need. For example, to fix the equipment, to make sure whether they are paid enough. And such reshuffling never leads to anything in the end.

There will be a strike!

Subscribe to the BOR - Belarusian Union of Workers Telegram channel.

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