Source: After Shutdown, BelNPP Unit Was Launched Catch-As-Catch-Can

  • 21.10.2021, 10:55

Now it's working on a wing and a prayer.

There is another topic in Belarus, which shows all the negligence of the junta. It concerns the BelNPP, writes the Nick and Mike telegram channel, which specializes in insider information.

Next week, Rosatom will conduct the final stress tests. There is practically no doubt that the unit will not withstand them and will be shut down - certainly, "planned" again.

The fact is that after the last "planned" shutdown the unit was started up catch-as-catch-can. Then the generators failed. Let's confirm the information that some of the equipment at the nuclear power plant is past its prime. It is new, but the date of manufacture of some of the units is the end of the XX century. The fact is that, under the contract, the equipment must be new and unused, but there is nothing written about the date of manufacture. The Russians are taking full advantage of this.

Anyway, let's go back to the fact that now the unit is working on a wing and a prayer. After replacing the alternator stator the unit was launched, but then the phase-to-phase resistance dropped sharply. The unit was stopped again and they tried to find what was wrong, but they failed to find anything.

The great power engineers from Minsk ordered to start the unit, as every day of downtime brings $1 million of losses. Now the unit is running with low resistance, which means it can short-circuit at any moment.

We hurry to say that this breakdown is not critical, it is not connected with the reactor, but it is a vivid evidence of the junta's approach to launching major facilities such as the nuclear power plant.

Well, and while you're at it, there's something else concerning the second reactor, which is already going to be loaded with fuel at the end of 2021. So far, the unit does not in any way resemble the one that is ready for operation. However, the junta is very good at launching what is not ready. They have also threatened to launch the DCU at Naftan by the end of the year. In the end, there was a fire, "all of a sudden", which made it possible to postpone the launch once again. Otherwise, someone would have had to go to jail. And taking into account the fact that Naftan was supervised by Kachanava, the affair smelled of trouble.

Yellow-brown scum are already rejoicing that Ukraine is ready to import Belarusian energy again for the winter period. However, the joy may be premature.

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