How to Weaken the Regime with Methods of Economic Resistance

  • 20.10.2021, 10:43

A penny saved is a penny gained.

Readers of the Belarusian Workers' Association (BOR) telegram channel shared their experience of economic resistance to the regime.

You can reduce VAT by buying goods in foreign online stores, including in Russia. In addition, by buying some goods online, you can seriously save money.

Also, Belarusians can take advantage of the tax deduction and save on taxes. Not much, but a penny saved is a penny gained.

It is also possible to increase budget spending with the help of the old system 115.bel. Demand to fix the benches, gazebos, clean up the territory, change the bulbs in the lanterns, fix the sidewalks, anything!

Well, don't forget to prepare for the strike! There are no hotter poisons for cockroaches yet, so we'll use what we have.

There will be a strike!

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