Method That Never Fails

  • 20.10.2021, 8:11

Let there be a strike!

The Basta! Telegram channel has shared the opinion of its readers:

- All sorts of enthusiasts, analysts and just concerned citizens, are coming up with more and more new victory plans and methods to fight the regime. They are all fighting for the right cause, thank them for that. But there is one master plan that has already proven to work, and it has never failed. The plan is very simple: strike. It is simple, safe and the fastest way to get rid of the regime.

Thousands of Belarusians have taken to the streets, millions of them do not agree with the regime.

It turns out that it is a huge number of strong and brave people who go out to protest, risk their lives and health there, and then go to work on Monday? Making money for the fascist occupiers? How long will this go on? We can stop all this, we can put an end to all this abuse. It's very simple - strike, brothers!

If someone is afraid that he will have nothing to eat, nothing to feed his children with, nothing to clothe them with, think about this - how many Belarusians have left each other in trouble? Remember how we were fighting against the covid together, remember all the funds and initiatives, remember how the table in our beloved Novaya Baravaya did not withstand the influx of help from not indifferent Belarusians, when the authorities were cutting off the water supply.

The nationwide strike has never failed. It is a working, fast and, most importantly, safe way to fight the regime.

Opposition leaders, public figures and sports stars and many others have already supported the workers' demands. You should support them too! Join the strike!

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