Harry Pahanyaila: It Is Necessary to Convene the Un Security Council Against the Usurper

  • 16.01.2021, 8:34

The time has come for decisive action in relation to the regime.

A well-known Belarusian human rights activist Harry Pahanyaila commented on the BP website on an audio recording about the concentration camps for protesters:

- What is the use of such leakages to all of us?

"Unfortunately, the people inside Belarus do not have the tools to bring those responsible to justice. The universal criminal jurisdiction, which I have mentioned many times, will also not quickly develop in the West, it is not a musical instrument that takes a long time to tune, take a long time to regulate, and agree because its use requires the political will of governments.

If the West has the political will, criminal cases will appear.

This kind of leakage will affect precisely the political will of governments because today, in the center of Europe, no one will tolerate an essentially repressive state, where the population is forced either to submit to violence or to respond to violence. For us, unarmed people, this is active resistance in the most varied forms.

The fact is that most of the population of the state is involved in a confrontation, either on one side or on the other, and this process cannot be stopped. In the current conditions, it is important to make the right decisions and take adequate steps. Without a fight, we will lose; we will find ourselves in North Korea's conditions, indeed.

All social strata, young and old, found it necessary to fight the regime with different life experiences. They all want freedom, respect for their dignity.

In the face of tough confrontation, even Lukashenka's supporters are beginning to realize that they have no prospects, except for the next two or three months. Whoever is smarter understands that power cannot be retained by such methods. Therefore, they will begin to sabotage the regime's policy, including representatives of the power bloc, or they will run away to not completely stain themselves with blood and shame.

No matter how long such regimes persist, when the point of no return comes (we have already crossed the point of no return, both sides are behind the red line), the prospect of responsibility of those who arranged a bloodbath for their people is inevitable.

But the victory will be ours.

- Is the concentration camp in Ivatsevichy a reality or a horror story?

- I think Lukashenka gives instructions to use weapons, to tear off heads, arms, legs, not for intimidation. And then, in gratitude, he distributes titles, awards, hangs medals, encourages them with serious sums of money, so they are ready to really beat their people to the blood.

They understand the full responsibility for the crimes already committed: some of the generals, by their actions, have already earned life sentences; for them, there is no way back. But we must endure and win - even in such conditions.

I hope that the last leakage, which shows the true bestial face of the Belarusian authorities, the so-called "law enforcement officers," will become clear to Western liberals.

It's time to end the diplomatic games because no sanctions will help anymore; decisive action is needed.

It is necessary to convene the UN Security Council and prepare an appropriate resolution; even if Russia and China veto the resolution prepared by the UN Security Council, by these actions, they will take part of the responsibility for what is happening in Belarus.

I hope that sobering up will take place in Russia and China. This leakage can be used to enlighten European politicians: the sanctions and admonitions of the dictator will no longer work; they need to realize what is happening in Belarus and act under martial law, as they say.

The West needs to realize the full extent of its responsibility for what is happening in Belarus today.

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