Creeps From Under The Bushes

  • Iryna Khalip
  • 26.09.2020, 10:12

Was that what they wanted for their children and grandchildren?

Yes, I also used to think that the creeps from under the bush were an invention of the funny characters in the comedy Radio Day. But now everything became clear: creeps is not an invention. This is a separate biological species. We observed phylogeny for 26 years, and in September 2020, it finally ended, and the species took shape finally. And it can be argued: there have never been such species in nature.

All day after the secret inauguration, colleagues from all world publications tried to find something similar in history. Requests for "secret inaugurations heated search engines," historians turned off their phones, unable to answer the same question, encyclopedias fell from the shelves, historical literature disappeared from libraries, but it was all to no avail. There have not been any secret inaugurations under the bush in nature yet. And it probably won't be.

Perhaps, Lukashenka and his species would like to lie on the sand and sip cocktails, but the specific features do not allow. And they have to hide in the bushes (now around the clock), do not take off their balaclavas even at night, even in front of their wives and husbands, refer to each other exclusively by dog names, have, just in case, a dozen passports for different surnames, and most importantly - never, not under any circumstances, do not go out and do not come into contact with people. However, even at night, in the dark, one should not crawl out of the bushes.

But before, it was not so. Or rather, not quite so. And family members could still freely move around the streets, go to schools, communicate with people. Lukashenka's granddaughters quietly studied at the Belarusian State University's lyceum, one of them even became a vice-miss at the lyceum beauty contest last year. Mikalaj Lukashenka also entered the same summer. And so, as soon as the protest academic year began, they all took the documents and disappeared, simply because the biological ancestor forbade them all to appear among people and sent them to the bushes forever. And the "Gutseriyev's" school, which was supposed to open only next year, suddenly started working without any identification marks. It was hastily re-profiled into a closed educational institution for the creeps from under the bush.

I remember that I heard about the construction of this school two years ago. Then three private schools were opened in Minsk at once. And a friend working in the field of education then said: "This is good, of course, but if you only knew what a cool school Gutseriyev is building! It is the only one in Belarus to work with IB (International Baccalaureate) accreditation and issue Western certificates". These were the plans - an international baccalaureate, the best teachers, teaching in high school in English. The site of the contractor (the company "U-Stroi") still has a description of the object, and one of the main advantages is the provision of comfortable education for children with disabilities. This means that initially, the plans were the most Western, in accordance with the standards of the civilized world. And in August, it turned out that now it will be just an underground school for the children of those who hide in the bushes and attack from the darkness.

That is why there is no information at all about the mysterious school in Drazdy. The journalists called the Ministry of Education, the city education committee, and the district administration. And everywhere they were told: no, we don't know anything, this school has nothing to do with us. And this is in Belarus, where over every private school there is a crowd of spies, inspectors, inspectors, and everyone is concerned only to find flaws and take away the license (or demand money). And here, a hefty building stands in the middle of the city about which the state knows nothing. Perhaps, at first, it was urgently opened only for Sasha 3%'s children and grandchildren. Now, most likely, they also accepted relatives of other creepers, who should not appear in the city, so that people would not accidentally see them: Kachanau, Karajeu, Karanik, and Karpenkau. And now these schoolchildren, who were unlucky enough to be born in creeps' families, are doomed to be behind the barbed wire among their own kind, not going out into the world and not communicating with people. Did the creepers really want this for their children and grandchildren?

However, it doesn't matter what they once wanted. Now they want only one thing: eternal darkness so that no one will accidentally identify them, general amnesia so that people forget about their existence, and alien attacks so that Belarusians leave the streets of their cities somewhere in the basements. But it won't work. There is light on our streets. We do not forget anything (and do not forgive, of course). And no Martians will drive us into the cellars if your Karajeu and Balab could not. So get out of your bushes as soon as possible, crawl out.

Iryna Khalip, specially for

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