Alexander Nevzorov: Now, there is only "Long Live Belarus" - and nothing else!

  • 22.09.2020, 10:35

This is not the time to act smartypants.

The well-known Russian journalist and publicist Alexander Nevzorov responded to the remark of sports commentator and blogger Vasily Utkin that the protests in Belarus are "blown away." The quote from the publicist is given by "Tribuna."

- Yes, I have more complaints to this protest than to anything else, because it is me who said the phrase that peaceful protest is the stupidest form of obedience. Yes, this revolution is not developing the way I would like and not how I see it. But it doesn't matter at all! In this case, it is necessary to treat the rebels and protesters only as people who at the moment really need us. And neither you nor me have any right to deny them support, to deny them spirituality. There are no references to fatigue, no references to the fact that we do not believe that their movement can lead to something. Not at all. Let it be later. Either when they finally win, or when they finally lose.

Therefore, you, Vasily, a person who is authoritative for very many people, with a very correct position on many issues; in this case, there is no right to disappointment, to fatigue, to indifference - no. Now there is only "Long Live Belarus!" and nothing else. Vasya, this is not the time to act smartypants. By any means, this is not the time to act smartypants. Understand, they are held hostage by their own delicacy, by their own nobility. As a pirate, mercenary, and shameless bastard, I can say that these are all stupid and terrible properties. But this is the reality. They are held hostage by them.

Perhaps there will be a situation when, suppose, an attempt to inaugurate will magnificently detonate something great, terrible, and decisive. It is no coincidence that this mustachioed cockroach is delaying his inauguration. Although, of course, his legs reach for the crown of the monarch of all Belarus. Therefore, Vasya, this is not the time to act smartypants. Long live Belarus and "no nails."

We have always viewed Lukashenka as a harmless, cute farmer, a character from the garden, an alive scarecrow who is a funny neighbor. And no one made any complaints to him and would not have if it had not been found out what a bad person he is. A pumpkin whose life turned out differently? Yes, but it turned out that this is not a pumpkin, but a vicious Halloween character. Unfortunately, from the wild fairy tale about Halloween, he stepped into real life and has the opportunity not in the cinema and not with the help of special effects and make-up artists, but in reality, to strangle living people. Therefore, I say that neither you, nor me, nor any sane person has the right to think.

Therefore, Vasily, end with your indifference.

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