"Your Countrymen Will Not Forgive And Will Always Despise You"

  • 21.09.2020, 13:23

The answer to the law enforcement officials.

A reader of the Basta! Telegram-channel answered to the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Chamadanava saying that she was supposedly "ashamed of women-activists".

- You should be ashamed that the entire structure of the Interior Ministry was disgraced and lost any respect in the eyes of the people after hundreds of victims of the unlawful use of special means, after beatings and torture of civilians by orders from your superiors.

You should be ashamed that there is a legislative default in the country. Until now, there have not even been initiated cases against criminals who committed violence against people, whereas cases are daily fabricated and repressions are committed for political reasons against peaceful people, and also against people who perform their work (politicians, journalists, MES, the Society for Development of Water Transport and Passanger Safety).

You should be ashamed that while you wheedle in front of the cockroach, thousands of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who have devoted years of service, are now being forced by superiors to fight with their own people, to become criminals, to be engaged in meaningless struggle with national symbols, instead of serving with honor for the benefit of the people. They spell the death to their career, they have nowhere to go, their honor is defamed, and all this is done by their superiors only for the sake of preserving the power of your dictator and his entourage.

The absolute majority of the people despise you. You should be ashamed of that. Only you have neither shame nor conscience. Therefore, your "ashamed" regarding the activists is in fact "scared". You are scared, because you know that soon you will be judged for all your deeds, or that you will lose your permanent place. But the worst thing is that you will not be forgiven and will always be despised by your countrymen.

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