Belarusian Revolution, Day 38: Protests Continue (Online)

  • 15.09.2020, 14:29

The street struggle is underway!

Today is the 38th day of the Belarusian revolution. Protests are taking place in the capital and many cities across the country. At the same time, the strike committees of Khimvolokno, Belaruskali and other key enterprises announced the continuation of the strike.

The website provides live coverage of the protest events in Belarus.

21:05 It’s particularly warm near the Hrushauka metro station today because of the smiles on the faces of our people.

21:03 Residents of the Loshytsa microdistrict, while standing in the chain of solidarity, are singing the “Kalyhanka” lullaby.

21:00 Minsk Chyzhouka is right now in the chain of solidarity, and is already going to arrange a march through the district.

20:19 Breaking news! Two workshops at Hrodna Azot have stopped.

20:00 A chain of solidarity has already been formed in the Loshytsa microdistrict.

19:17 This is how the Kamennaya Horka metro station looks like now.

19:09 Residents of Asmalouka have raised national flags.

17:23 On Tsimirazeu Street in Minsk, protests are held every day.

16:56 On Baltyjskaya Street in Minsk, the white-red-white flag was taken away right in front of the security forces.

16:36 Another video showing students of Belarusian State University of Computer Science and Radioelectronics reading poetry in Belarusian near the university building.

16:09 “When we are together - Long Live Belarus”: stunning beauty action of the dwellers of the residential complex “Mayak Minsk”.

15:47 BSUIR students are reciting poetry.

14:38 In Minsk, people have lined up along Alsheuski Street as a sign of solidarity with the protesters.

14:36 In the area of Piatroushchyna metro station, people have also formed a chain of solidarity.

14:34 BSTU students have also taken to the street.

14:32 And this is how the human chain looks now on Dziarzhynski Avenue near the Titan shopping and entertainment center in Minsk.

14:31 The Chemistry Faculty of BSU continues the song protest!

14:30 Students of the Faculty of Law of Belarusian State University have taken to the streets, showing the true face of the “Belarusian Themis”.

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