Petras Auštrevičius: Past And Future Of Belarus Are Fighting Now

  • 4.08.2020, 10:36

The Belarusians are experiencing a historic moment.

Special Rapporteur of the European Parliament on Belarus, Lithuanian politician Petras Auštrevičius said that today is "a historic time". He is convinced that the fate of our country is decided at the presidential elections on August 9, reports.

"Now we see that the past and the future of Belarus are fighting, - Auštrevičius said. - It is possible to make things different: to become a European country with open society, with developing economy, with normal relations with its neighbors. To pave a new way of relations with Europe, not to look at one country which constantly either sells oil cheaper or raises the gas price looking at the interests of this country".

Petras Auštrevičius said that this "historic moment" forces the Democrats in Lithuania and Europe "to say their word, not to be indifferent".

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