March Of Peace And Independence Underway In Belarus (Online)

  • 30.08.2020, 11:20

200 thousand people have come to the cockroach's palace.

Independent telegram channels called on Belarusians to take part in the March of Peace and Independence today.

The beginning is at 14.00. The starting point in Minsk is Independence Square, in all cities of Belarus - the central squares. The demands are: resignation of Lukashenka, release of political prisoners.

A detailed plan of the March in Minsk is available here.

The website is covering the March online.

21:55 The night Malinauka after the March. A huge projection of the "Chaser" coat-of-arms appeared on a multi-storey building. Minsk residents are shouting "Long live Belarus!" and blinking the lights.

20:55 A human chain has lined up near the memorial to the hero of Belarus Aliaksandr Taraikouski.

20:45 "We will not forget, we will not forgive!": A march of many thousands took place in Homel, despite the +32 C heat.

20:31 The human sea in Minsk from a bird's eye view.

20:19 The white-red-white flag made of bumpers on Kastrychnitskaya Square.

20:14 In Brest, security forces blocked the road on the way of a column of thousands of protesters. People booed them.

20:00 Right during the March, a guy proposed to a girl.

19:56 Minsk continues to buzz! Gallery Mall after the March.

19:54 This afternoon, protesters broke through the security forces cordon on Independence Avenue.

19:53 Minsk against the cockroach. Photo and video of the "Basta!" Telegram channel from under the palace of Lukashenka.

19:37 There was a very beautiful protest in Minsk today.

19:25 Another popular slogan - "We want you dead!"

19:23 "Happy birthday, rat" people are chanting in the center of Minsk.

19:20 The white-red-white auto run in Hrodna.

19:15 People have left a coffin for the dictator near Lukashenka's palace.

19:11 Smarhon at the March, with flags and guitars.

18:58 The most popular slogan in Minsk streets today.

18:56 Bright photos from the action near Lukashenka's palace.

18:50 People bid farewell to Lukashenka also near the Belarusian Embassy in Moscow.

18:45 Minsk metro is chanting "Long Live Belarus!"

18:43 "We will win!" and "Long Live Belarus!" near Lukashenka's palace. Today, the people have come close to the residence of Sasha the 3%.

18:33 See what the March looked like in Brest.

18:27 Lukashenka's press secretary has published his photo with a gun.

18:19 Presents for the cockroach.

18:16 An incredible atmosphere in Minsk.

18:05 Demonstrators have occupied the avenue from Kastrychnitskaya Square to Victory Square.

17:55 A few more photos from under Lukashenka's palace.

17:46 In Brest there is a huge white-red-white flag made of balloons.

17:40 These are the posters that were in Minsk today.

17:38 There is also a mass action in Vitsebsk today. The protesters are chanting "Well done" to the people who hung the white-red-white flag out of the window.

17:31 Dozens of thousands of Minsk residents are loudly chanting "Tribunal" right in front of Lukashenka's palace.

17:30 Heavy rain started. People are dispersing, but chant: "We will be back!" Many continue to stand and as if they are not going to leave, some of the people have hidden under the trees. Now people are walking along the avenue only in the opposite direction from the palace. The rest are singing "Change", chanting: "We'll take ours." The women are trying to persuade the riot police to put down their shields.

17:21 Protesters right under Lukashenka's palace responded to his words. "You are a rat yourself!" the people are chanting.

17:15 People raise lanterns and sing songs.

17:07 Another video from above. Thousands and thousands of Minsk residents.

17:02 People with a poster "Sportsmen with the people" have approached the cordon. Among them are Aliaksandra Herasimenya and basketball player Alena Leuchanka. They are shouting: "We are playing fair", "The people have won."

16:56 So many people have come to Lukashenka's palace.

16:54 Protesters are chanting "Tribunal!"

16:50 Well-known writer Sasha Filippenko is also at the action today.

16:47 People are standing close to the cordon.

16:46 People near the Palace of Independence are chanting: "Rat, come out!"

16:44 In Brest today, 20 thousand are walking around the city.

16:42 People are still walking towards the palace.

16:36 In Svetlahorsk today people have also come to the March.

16:26 This is the head of the column near Lukashenka's palace. The tail of the column is still on Niamiha.

16:22 Look how many people are flocking to Lukashenka's palace.

16:13 Well-known sportsmen took part in the March. Basketball players Mikita and Yahor Meshcharakou, Alena Leuchanka.

16:07 Protesters who are walking to the Sasha the 3% residence are chanting "Go away!"

16:06 Another performance at the March in Minsk. A figure of death on stilts is walking towards Lukashenka's residence.

16:05 People are walking up to the Heroes Obelisk. Journalists pay attention to the fact that more people came out today than last weekend.

16:03 Those gathered at the Heroes Obelisk have begun to move en masse to the Palace of Independence. Those who have already reached the State Flag Square are chanting "We are for your birthday!"

15:56 Peramozhtsau Avenue. Video from a quadcopter.

15:50 Dozens of thousands are already near the Heroes Obelisk. Meanwhile, the tail of the column is still near the Sports Palace.

15:46 And here are the gifts for Lukashenka. A coffin and a cockroach.

15:43 There are thousands in Hrodna, even rain is not a hindrance.

15:41 The Heroes Obelisk right now. Dozens of thousands are still on the way.

15:17 Vaukavysk has taken to the streets. The march is taking place across the country today.

15:36 At the Archcathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the brass band is now performing "Three Turtles".

15:35 There are very correct posters in Mahiliou.

15:28 Horki's at the March!

15:26 Meanwhile, the head of the column has already reached the Heroes Obelisk. Around it, there is a barbed wire, and a cordon of the military men.

15:24 Brest has entered the roadway to the song "Warriors of Light".

15:23 Meanwhile, the column approaches the Heroes Obelisk.

15:22 People are disassembling the plastic bumpers with which they fenced the palace and build the white-red-white flag!

15:20 Mobile Internet in Minsk and regional centers is disabled. Mobile communication works.

15:16 Deep and beloved slogan "Lukashenka - to the paddy wagon!"

15:15 Minsk collects hundreds of thousands for the fourth Sunday in a row. Just an incredible desire for change.

15:13 Minskers go to congratulate Lukashenka at the State Flag Square. A gift is also available.

15:12 In Homel, the procession has just begun, and there are already about a thousand people at the rally.

15:09 Baranavichy is groovy! The march takes place to the songs of TORBAND.

15:07 The Belarusian protest is exemplary. Dozens of thousands of Minsk residents let the ambulance pass.

15:06 Brest is on the main street of the city. Many people are carrying national flags.

15:02 Kobryn's at the March! The regions are on top!

15:01 People are carrying a coffin to music and chanting "Happy birthday" and "This is our city."

15:00 The residents of Navapolatsk and Salihorsk have also come to the rallies.

14:58 Telegram channels have published an action plan.

Minsk. To everyone who is now in the center: since 15.15 we will move along the following route:

1. We go to Niamiha.

2. Then, we go along Ramanouskaya Slabada and Kalvaryjskaya.

3. We go to the Frunzenskaya metro station, then Maladziozhnaya metro station, then to Pushkinskaya.

4. Turn to Pushkin Avenue.

5. We go to the shopping center "Korona-Zamok".

6. We leave gifts to the usurper on the State Flag Square.

If the approaches to the State Flag Square are closed again, we leave gifts to his henchmen-punishers, let them give them to him personally.

We stick together, remember about the coupling, and don't give away anyone!

14:57 A huge column is moving towards Niamiha.

14:56 Protesters on Independence Avenue have moved towards Freedom Square.

14:53 A huge sea of people on Independence Avenue.

14:51 Minsk dwellers wish Sasha the 3% a happy birthday. The gift is a huge cockroach.

14:46 The center of Minsk right now. Peaceful protesters against Lukashenka's hit squad.

14:44 A huge column is going along the avenue towards the GUM Mall.

14:42 In Maliliiu, a column of protesters is walking along the central street of the city.

14:40 Near the art gallery, people are chanting: "Sasha, you're fired!"

14:39 Women lay down in protest on Independence Avenue.

14:37 A large column is going from Niamiha towards Independence Square.

14:35 On Independence Avenue it is not clear who has surrounded whom.

14:33 The situation near the GUM Mall looks like this. The riot police are trying to provoke peaceful protesters.

14:21 A column of many thousands has passed the circus and is approaching Kastrychnitskaya Square.

14:17 The hit squad backpedalled before the protesters.

14:16 Very many protesters in Niamiha.

14:14 Protesters are going onto the roadway.

14:13 A powerful column is moving along Partyzanski Avenue in Minsk. Now they have approached the Minsk concert hall. People are chanting "Long Live Belarus!"

14:07 Doctors also took to the streets today.

14:05 The column in Victory Square.

13:58 People are gathering near the Minsk hotel.

13:55 Creativity at the Minsk March. Belarusians have the best protest posters ever.

13:49 A column of people from Mikhalova has met with the protesters at the Hrushauka metro station. People are shouting "Long Live Belarus!"

13:44 A column of people is moving along Dziarzhynski Avenue.

13:39 The Minsk metro is chanting "Long Live Belarus!"

13:34 Partyzanski Avenue right now. Belarusians are unstoppable!

13:26 Workers of the Minsk Trsctir Plant and Minsk Automobile Plant are at the March! Factory workers are a real power!

13:24 Freedom to Charter'97. Participants of the action in Minsk demand to unblock the independent website.

13:19 Leninski District also joins the March.

13:13 From the East, the first column moved into the center.

13:09 Pushkinskaya area is coming. A lot of people.

13:00 Serabranka is at the March!

12:54 The participants of the March demand to unblock the website С

12:49 Residents of Malinauka, Brylevichy and South-West meet near the Mikhalova metro station, and in a few minutes will start moving to the center of Minsk.

12:44 Partysanski Avenue. People are moving to the center.

12:36 A beautiful and festive March in Miory.

12:34 Residents of the districts situated the farthest from the center of Minsk - Malinauka, Kurasoushchyna, Uruchcha have also already started moving towards the city center.

12:21 MAZ is also on the march!

12:20 Loshytsa residents have already moved to the center.

12:05 Drozdova (Minsk) meets the participants of the Peace and Independence March.

11.30 Girls in national outfits are rolling pumpkins to Independence Square.

11.22 A few dozen girls in folk outfits have approached Independence Square from the side of the Minsk hotel.

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