Khrenau Is No Sweeter Than Horseradish

  • Aliaksei Mielnikau
  • 24.08.2020, 12:29

What are they fed there, in the bunker trough?

What are they fed there, in the bunker trough?

Spiteful, aggressive.

Such a contrast with peaceful Belarus on the streets.

Khrenau. The Defense Minister.

One "shadow boxing" has already ended - NATO has won.

Now it's time again to swing our fists in the air - "defend the monuments."


He remembered about fascism. "Massacres." "Sacred Places." "Security and Protection."

Where were you, an anti-fascist hero, when the fascists fired, killed, and beat in the streets of Belarus for several days? When were they tortured, raped, abused in the torture chamber on Akrescin Street?

Why didn't he raise an army - didn't give the order to go to "sacred places," where to "protect and defend" the people? From the mass crimes of brutal punishers who took their muzzles into masks?

He was busy.

Devotionally, like a dog, he was looking at the main psychopath. He could not take his eyes off the ruling fascism.

Aliaksei Mielnikau,

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