Sasha Has 3% Anyway!

  • 8.07.2020, 12:26

Analysis of electoral preferences of 6.93 million unique users from Belarus.

Lukashenka is not trusted by Belarusian Internet users. He has the lowest loyalty rating in comparison with other contenders for the presidency.

Such a conclusion can be drawn from the research of the Russian company Tazeros Global Systems, which analyzes large data, reports.

Specialists have studied what was written from April to June by active users of social networks and visitors to the sites where the company's trackers are located. We are talking about 6.93 million unique ip-addresses from Belarus.

Lukashenka was most often mentioned by Belarusian Internet users, but in a negative context. His antiloyalty rating amounted to 81.6%.

Viktar Babaryka enjoys the greatest popularity in the bynet. His loyalty rating made up 53.6%. Valer Tsepkala has a 29.8% loyalty rating, while Tsikhanouski - a 20.4% one. Lukashenka's loyalty rating is the lowest - 6.6%.

According to the cluster text analysis, 3.8% of users support Lukashenka's candidacy for the seventh term. 62.6% believe that he should leave. 72% are ready to vote for any candidate, except for the current ruler.

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