Let's Go For Walk!

  • 27.07.2020, 9:05

It's good for health and the country.

Blogger from Mazyr Palina Zyl, who initiated the Flashmob of Solidarity, has appealed to the Belarusians:

- The flash mob of solidarity with physicians and political prisoners has been going on for a month all over Belarus. Thousands of people turn on music from apartment windows, someone rattles pots and hangs out flags. We are heard and seen! This way, without leaving the house, we involve new people in the activities.

A lot of people write in their letters that after the flash mob they gather with their neighbors in the yards and discuss the situation in the country and our actions. The drivers were among the first to support the flash mob and now every day at 19.00 we hear the horns and music in the streets. Bicyclists regularly go for rides in their neighborhoods and around cities. I recently heard about the idea of a dance flash mob. In some places, people were lining up in chains in their neighborhoods, clapping, or just walking along the streets.

Summer is in full swing and it's really time to get out of stuffy apartments.

I suggest we continue our Flashmob of Solidarity. Every evening at exactly 19.00 we continue to open the windows for 2 minutes, turn on the music loudly, clap, rattle pots. And right after that - at 7.15 p.m. - we go out for a walk in our neighbourhood. No slogans - just a walk along with neighbors and relatives. Got a dog? Why not to walk the dog? Sports or yoga? Why not? You'll definitely meet like-minded people. Look for signs - badges, ribbons, friendly smiles. A lot of people have already done that, it works and it's really great. Get to know each other, exchange contacts, support each other!

If you drive a car, honk then. Got a bike - take a ride with friends. Got more ideas how to spend time together - share in protest chat rooms on Telegram.

Let's walk till 20.00!

There is no better thing than such walks in the evenings to show something in a quick and qualitative way. It is useful not only for health, but also for information dissemination. I often hear talks of people passing by, of people in queues in shops. Most of the conversations are about politics, about the need for changes. Support each other, don't be shy.

Quite a bit remains to be done until we win. Let's bring the victory closer together.

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