Borshch-Lover Gives Testimony

  • Iryna Khalip
  • 24.07.2020, 13:01

Dear teachers, look around.

Teachers, watch out! Danger! Airborne alert! Dismiss before it's too late. Go on vacation or sick leave, quit, leave for a village to see your aunt. The main thing is to stay away from the election commissions. You've already been charged with everything. Yermoshyna, if you still don't know, claims it wasn't her fault.

My interest in Yermoshyna is of ornithological nature. Her behaviour in the natural environment and extreme conditions fully matches the biology textbook. In fact, one could not study it anymore. The ornithological interest sooner or later comes to nothing. However, the latest statements of the borshch-lover (borshch - beet-root soup) show that she realizes that the master is no longer able to protect her (he has lost all his powers). Now she is looking for ways to retreat and already testifying just in case.

Last week, in an interview with Euroradio, Yermoshyna washed her hands of the election fraud: "The CEC and Lidzya Yermoshyna don't count votes. We sum up the result provided by the district commissions. Honest people work there, who mainly teach the children of these very voters".

That is, Lidzya Yermoshyna gets away with punishment. At this moment she reminds a character in the film "Garage": "What can a market director steal? Scales? A white coat..." After all, that's a good sign. She used to be brave to take responsibility, knowing that her employer would always protect her. She was fronting at the mouth to defend any forged signature, any fake bulletin, any fake protocol. She felt his back and lied on impulse. Now Yermoshyna feels it is all gone. The moustached will no longer protect her because he is no longer Europe's last dictator, but Sasha 3% - ridiculous and unable to do anything. The ominous tyrant has been replaced by a caricature character. It always happens to those who don't leave on time.

Since she feels no protection anymore, she needs to provide a way to retreat. Just in case, having no time to escape, she gives her testimony in advance, preferably in the form of an interview, to make sure everything is recorded in public space and disseminated through social networks. Now everybody knows that Yermoshyna doesn't count anything; she just runs other people's figures.

Of course, she tried to demonstrate some petty cunning and took responsibility for a reduced number of observers at the polling stations. It's like a murderer, having hidden the body, demonstratively steals a bottle of vodka hoping to get a one-year, not a life-long sentence. It often works: investigation suspects those at large not already in a pre-trial detention centre. Yermoshyna acts the same. If anything, she admits the reduced number of observers at the polling stations. Thus, she can easily get away with another crime with the help of articles in independent media and posts on social networks. After all, it was you and I who wrote about the danger of parades, football matches and other meaningless parties during the pandemic. She will use our words to defend herself.

Of course, nothing can help her, no matter what she does. But teachers in the commissions still have a chance. There's a reason why Yermoshina puts all the blame on them. They're accomplices. So it's better to go on sick leave or run away. There's another way, though. To count votes honestly. Make it public. Take a picture of protocols before the fraud, and send it to the editor's office or at least post it on social networks. They can, I know.

We've all observed the teachers' ability to defend their pupils' and parents' interests this spring. When the authorities cried no pandemic existed and children had to go to school, it was the teachers who took responsibility. They were the ones who taught parents how to write statements to let children stay at home. They mastered online platforms for remote education. They increased their workload to protect the health of our children. It means they can reject lies, frauds, and protect our children from the state marasmus.

Dear teachers, look around. Look at the people on the streets, surf the Internet, read how Yermoshyna pushes you to the abyss while trying to stay safe: "It's not me, they commit a crime!" Ten years ago you were scared, I understand. But now things have changed. Now she and her old master are scared. You have nothing else to be afraid of. Imagine what a wonderful day can this September 1st be. We believe in you.

Iryna Khalip, especially for

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