Minsk Doctor To Lukashenka’s Propagandists: I Will Call You ‘People Without Conscience’

  • 13.07.2020, 8:17

The free-hearted letter by Viktar Lahatski.

“On June 23, an article called “Why gynecologists should not take up a pen” was published by the SB newspaper as an answer to the post of Maryna Isakova.

Our doctors are heroes, not punching bags: the Minsk gynecologist answered Kachanava.

I no longer have the strength to put up with all this. Therefore, I wrote an answer to the author of the article,” writes anesthesiologist Viktar Lahatski on Instagram.

“Hello, dear Andrei Mukavozchyk.

Viktar Lahatski is writing to you herewith, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit #1, Republican Scientific Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery, Minsk. I would like to answer to your article “Why gynecologists should not take up a pen.”

I will be as open-minded as you are (but this is not accurate). I do not have behind as many years of experience as you do, production talent, and a sharp pen like yours ... But, unfortunately, I have to write this letter to you.

Of course, only a competent journalist from the first lines of the article can call an adult “a girl with teenage maximalism”. This is very journalistically true, competent and professional. To write something about the education of a person, based on one Instagram... Let us leave this on your conscience. Do you have it? Based on this article, I can say - perhaps not. You can object to me, of course. But this is my personal opinion based on your article. If you call Maryna Isakova “a girl with teenage maximalism” and judge the upbringing of a person, I will call you “a person without conscience”. Why not.

You track the number of likes under a post on Instagram. Commendable. It’s a pity, there is no analytics, how many likes were put by doctors, teachers, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees of other areas, the value of whom cannot be underestimated ... Can you imagine how many under-educated doctors are there in hospitals? How many under-educated teachers work in schools? Teach our children ... What they teach. That’s scary. I fear to imagine that ... If I doubted that these people need to continue and complete their education... On the contrary, I believe and know that these are smart, highly educated people, real citizens of Belarus. And you think differently, right? You reckon this is the fifth column trying to rock our boat of stability among this troubled oceans ...

One can only guess what “a person without conscience” thinks.

And again, in a paragraph, you say that the text is written with “teenage maximalism” ... Yes, unfortunately, you yourself are far from a young man, if your biography and photo by the link are true. It remains to be guessed whether you have ever had this “teenage maximalism”, and if you have, then why did it lead you to writing insulting articles about your colleague? So many unanswered questions! Eh. Did this young man have a conscience in the 70s? Probably yes. Does this man has it in 2020? Most probably not.

And, of course, all doctors write angry posts on Instagram, without looking up from the work, I forgot about it. That is why there are such long queues for receptions in clinics. They write and write, but you need to work for 600 rubles a month. Right, “a man without conscience”?

It is completely incomprehensible why you call a young female doctor a girl? And the phrase “dump out dissatisfaction” ... Ahem ... How literary! Where did you study? At the journalism faculty? Ah, sorry. Not. It is seen. Noticeably. It is noticeable that you have no idea about such a field as journalism. And dissatisfaction remained for your age, for you specifically.

Then you try to connect phrases taken out of context with the expression “you knew where you were going”, trying to prove the absence of a logical connection between them. Do you know where I found the lack of a logical connection? Between the phrase “a man without conscience” and “journalist”. These two words are semantically so far apart that you don’t even have to think about it.

And in the next paragraph you again have an emphasis on the “sweet spot”, the gynecological specificity ... In my opinion, this is still dissatisfaction. I am not a psychotherapist, I work in pediatric cardiac surgery, but my medical knowledge gained during my studies at the university with a course in psychology and psychiatry is enough to understand that this is a sore subject for you. I advise you to visit a psychotherapist in the clinic. I hope you have time to wait in the queue, because psychotherapists write long posts on Instagram. It takes them much time to write all this stuff. Come in advance.

If you, Andrei Mukavozchyk, think that it’s normal when their citizens are treated as servants in the country and even worse (no matter who you are, a driver, a doctor, a saleswoman or a milkmaid), and you think that this is real life in which you just need to endure and overcome, it becomes clear why you work in the SB. I would like to insert a phrase from the joke (as you like) in the style of “we are getting stronger”, but nevertheless the SB is a serious publication, not some Speed Info newspaper. Interestingly, by the way, how much do you get for coming to work by 9 in the morning? Oh, walking and working are two different things. So do you just walk to work, or work? And do not say that my semantic connections are broken! You are well taught to find them.

In the next paragraph, humor again about the finger. It is quite obvious that you spent more than one of your working days on the website, arriving at 9 in the morning. I will only tell you. You forgot to write about the fifth column (and the majority of doctors, Jews and Masons are there), which for all these years has been trying to rock our raft of stability, on which we drift, oh, sorry, sail in the oceans.

Then you, “the man without conscience”, demonstrate that you have profound knowledge not only of jokes. But also of the Russian classical literature. And do you remember, where the quotation “The pig did not seem willing to face the truth” comes from? I think you do. You can also make logical connections.

Then you ask “what now?” I agree. Even at the age of 27 I will not push the bar. Unless ... I can do as our good friend, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Where is my barbell gold bar? Bring it here! I’ll take you as assistants (then we will pick it up quietly for ourselves and, as Shura and Panikovsky, we will cut it honestly).

Next is the theme of the coronavirus. It is strange that you comment on this at all. After all, it was psychosis! Have you seen it with your eyes? Me not. If you saw - send a photo, very interesting. Together with you we’ll climb into the fridge and take care of ourselves. On the date of writing, June 12, we defeated it. But the mask regime in the center is still there. Something seems wrong. Please help me figure out where the psychosis is, and where the truth is. Where the fifth column is to blame, and where is Trump and the Freemasons. Or should we blame them all together?

Help, please.

Thank you for mentioning Maryna Isakova, Nadzeya Astapchuk, and Vital Hurkou in the end. Your promise has been accepted. We will try to formulate thoughts and provide communication. And to treat people (if we finish our studies). And win sports competitions (if we finally lift the bar). And to be real citizens of Belarus (despite the machinations of enemies external and internal).

And you, “the man without a conscience,” might someday think. And find it, this conscience (maybe your teenage maximalism will help you). And then I will call you by name and surname. In the meantime, no.

I’m waiting for you to read the article “Why anesthesiologists should not take up a pen”, an analysis of my Instagram, and phrases taken from this letter.

Viktar Lahatski, an anesthetist-resuscitator, wrote a letter at work, because doctors have no other time to write letters.”

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